
How to Buy an Oyster Card for your travels in London ~ 1 min read

Hello and welcome to London 😉
I’m sure you have everything planned: Big Ben, BBuckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and all the usual stuff. Be sure there are way more things to be seen than the ones that are most advertised. And London is also a very historical city
Nevermind that now, let’s go to the point of this article which is How buy your Oyster Card. 
If you don’t know what an Oyster Card is, then check this article. In that particular article I also told you why to chose the public transport as an option and the 3 ways to pay for your transportation.
So How Do You Buy Your Oyster Card?
There are 3 ways to do that:

  • Buy it online: if you are already in London and want to save yourself the traveling without an Oyster, then you can order your Oyster Card by visiting this website and they will ship it to a location of your choice. It can also be shipped abroad so you can order it even before your arrival or even have your New Oyster Card delivered to your home address.
  • Almost every station has one of these machines from where you can purchase an Oyster Cards.
a picture of a machine located in london underground stations from which you can buy oyster cards for your travels in london
Oyster Card Machine in London Underground Stations

Simply go inside and ask for an Oyster Card. They will also be able to charge it for you.

  • At almost any local food/ off licence shop.

Watch this video for an explanation how you can do this. The bigger the station, the more options you will have on your purchase regarding the zones of your travel.
How to buy your Oyster Card ⬇️⬇️⬇️



Explorer! Love creating meaningful content, adding value and helping others. Videographer Entertainer Traveller

Comments (4)

  1. Pingback: How to use the Oyster Card Application to top up your card – Curious Pavel

  2. Pingback: How to use the Oyster Card Application to top up your card ~ 1 min read • Curious Pavel

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