
The Tower of London – Curious History Tour

The Tower of London is a must-see attraction when visiting London! It is one of the world’s most famous fortresses and has seen service as a royal palace, prison, armoury and even a zoo.

Tickets to the Tower of London cost £27 (£25 if you book online). However you can get a much better deal with a London Pass Deal where you combine multiple attractions in one day.

The Zoo

Yes, a zoo! You could find animals like elephants, lions, monkeys, ostriches and even a polar bear! The bear was chained but allowed to go fishing in the Thames. Here’s something Curious. People who couldn’t afford entrance fee had the option to bring a cat or a dog which served as food to the exotic animals in the tower 🥺

Nowadays the only animals left are six ravens. Legend has it that the court and the Tower will fall if they ever leave the tower. To make sure this doesn’t happen, the people here have “hacked” the situation. For that reason, there are currently 7 ravens inside the Tower, in case one of them goes missing. They are all looked after by the Raven Master. The ravens who inhabit the Tower are named and are replaced if they misbehave.

The Yeoman in the Tower of London

This is a Yeoman. They are guarding the Tower. Nowadays you can only qualify for the role after serving in the armed forces for 22 years.

A guy with a camera next to a yeoman guard from the Tower of London  dresses in a Tudor style red clothing
Curious Pavel and a Curious Yeoman

But here is something Curious about the Yeomen. Centuries ago, as part of the Royal Bodyguard, the King allowed them to eat as much beef as they wanted from his table. And that’s why they are also known as Beefeaters. That is just a legend and when I asked the Beefeaters inside the Tower, none of them confirmed this legend.

And when you are in a place like this… the warrior inside you wants to come out ⚔️🤫

The Yeoman are not just guards but tour guides as well. Tours are included in the price of an entry ticket, and depart every 30 minutes (last tour starts at 15.30 in summer, and at 14.30 in winter). Tours last approximately 60 minutes and start near the main entrance.

A yeoman in a red Tudor clothing giving a walking tour in front of a crowd in the Tower of London
Yeoman in action

Top tip: The Tower of London can get very busy. Start early to make the most of your pass.

Tower of London pictured from outside
Tower of London from the outside

Right next to the Tower of London is the infamous Tower Bridge. A magnificent structure which I recommend you to visit! Oh, by the way… The Tower of London is where the Queen of England keeps her Crown Jewels 👑

Picture of tower bridge taken from the Tower of London
Tower Bridge

See more footage of the Tower Of London ⬇️

The Tower of London - Curious History Tour


Explorer! Love creating meaningful content, adding value and helping others. Videographer Entertainer Traveller

Comments (3)

  1. Great! I had no idea about bringing a cat or dog. Pretty creepy! 😀 I agree with you about getting there early. That’s true of many attractions in many cities. Earlier the better!! Thanks as always for the info.

  2. Pingback: Crossings Tower Bridge at Night | London Walk • Curious Pavel

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