
Happiness is overrated – Forget what you know

black and white image of a group of people giving a toast with glasses

Forget what you think happiness is! Happiness is overrated!

The subject of Happiness is unfortunately not discussed enough in society. What that makes people is guessing.

Newspapers, magazines and TV, they all discuss famous people. After all, a big name is always trendy. 

And for a person who is confused about what happiness is, that can be misleading. 

We see those people play in movies, go to exotic vacations, have fancy cars, boats and even private airplanes. Our mind starts to think “that must be a really nice life to have”.

Even if you don’t follow these things, people around you will discuss them in front of you. 

And we start aiming towards that. We get greedy. Money. New cars. Promotion at work.

How to find happiness within yourself and not others

However, there’s one thing that we miss.

We see the blink-blink and the parties, but we don’t always see the sadness and struggles the famous people go through. And believe me, they are a lot. 

In fact, some have struggled more than you. Some are struggling even today,when they are “big”. Just because they “made it”, doesn’t mean their life is fixed. 

Look at Will Smith, one of the greatest actors of his generation. 

Beyonce, Dwayne Johnson, Princess Diana. No matter how high “you made it”, life will still throw you difficulties. And those “perfect people” that you see, don’t have a perfect life. 

Please, stop focusing on things that have little to no influence on your happiness. Instead, focus on the things that currently bring a smile on your face. 

That could be your family, friends, your hobby, or your pet. 

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I said currently, because life has its seasons. 

At 22 you may be happy to work 60 hours a week and get a lot of money, but 2 years later you would like to spend more time with your newborn baby. 

And that’s fine. Change is fine. As long as it makes you happy and it doesn’t harm anybody. 

The definition of Happiness is overrated. But living a happy life should be our purpose. 

If all that makes sense but you want to learn more, then I invite you to check my Online Course called How To Be Happy. Get it for FREE with this link.


Explorer! Love creating meaningful content, adding value and helping others. Videographer Entertainer Traveller

Comments (2)

  1. It is the best time to start for a travel industry. We know that due to Covid, we have face so many issues, but it is the right time to start for this industry. Subscribed your blog for more updates.

    1. Hey:)
      What exactly are you looking to do?
      The “travel industry” is a broad term 😉
      If you mean writing a blog, then yes. It’s a great time!

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