
Antoni Gaudi: Life, Death & Sagrada Familia ~ 2 min read

Antoni Gaudi, also known as the God’s Architect, has been a very important figure of his time and left his legacy in Barcelona. Let’s dive in the most important events of Gaudi’s life.

Antoni Gaudi

  • 1852: born in Reus, Catalunya.

His love of architecture begins in his early ages. Gaudi studies architecture in Llotja School and later in Barcelona Higher School of Architecture. In the meantime he’s been working for architects to pay his studies. Antoni had average grades and occasionally failed courses. On his graduation in Barcelona, the director of the school said

“We have give this academic title either to a fool or a genius. Time will show.”

Antoni Gaudi had his first project to design the lamppost in Plaça Reial. Gaudi received wider recognition for his first important commission- Casa Vicens. He later got more important commission until in…

  • 1883: Gaudi has been given Sagrada Familia. His biggest project. The basilica has been started the year before but the architect resigns. Gaudi has been assigned to work on the basilica and he changes the original idea of the project.

The years in the decade 1910 are dark times for Gaudi. Over the next 8 years many of his good friends will die including his niece. The economic is also not at its best so Antoni does not get much work. Probably the series of these events push Gaudi to take the following decision and makes this statement:

“My good friends are dead; I have no family and no clients, no fortune nor anything. Now I can dedicate myself entirely to the Church.”

And that is what he does. In…

  • 1915: Gaudi dedicated his life to finishing the Basilica Sagrada Familia. His dedication even goes beyond as in…
  • 1925: Gaudi moves in Sagrada Familia. He now spends all his time in the Basilica with one exception. There was only one thing that was taking Gaudi’s attention away from Sagrada Familia: his religion.
  • 1926: dies in a curious accident. On his walk from Sagrada Familia to his favourite church Start Felip Neri, he got hit by a tram (number 30). Antoni dived so much into the Sagrada Familia project that his hygiene suffered from that. When Gaudi was hit by this tram he did not receive medical attention nor any attention. He was looking like a homeless person and didn’t even have any documents with him. Eventually somebody drove Gaudi to the hospital. A worker in the basilica recognized him the next day but it was too late and he died the day after.

Watch the story with more details here ⬇️⬇️⬇️



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Comments (9)

  1. Thanks for the post, Pavel. As always, pithy and interesting… I didn’t know that about Gaudi (in fact, I knew nothing about his life, only his architecture). A shame… I love trams… would hate to be hit by one!

    1. If you are destined something to hit you then I hope it’s an ambulance as they’ll take you directly😜 Is this a dark humor?🤔
      Thank you for your words:)

  2. We’ve visited Antoni Gaudi’s fabulous La Sagrada Familia three times over the years and and each time we’ve been in total awe!

    The detail in this cathedral is mind blowing… from a distance, it looks very Gothic in nature but then you get closer and every single element leaves your jaw hanging. From the lighting, the tree-like columns, the sculpture… It’s safe to say we have witnessed a work of art in the making!

    They’re aiming to finish construction by June 2026 – this will coincide with the 100th anniversary of Gaudí’s death.

    Ironically, the most visited building in Barcelona had been building without a legal permit from the municipality. Only recently permission has been given to Sagrada Família, in April 2019, after 134 years of construction working.

    1. Wow! Thanks for the great comment!
      Have I heard correctly that one of the days of the week (I believe was Sunday) the entrance was free of charge?

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