
How to Add Your Own GIF to Instagram and Facebook for FREE

a boy with a white tshirt thinking how to add gifs to isntagram stories and facebook

Ever wondered how to add your own GIFs to the Instagram stories you create?

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We’ve all used a GIF for a Facebook post and Instagram Stories. What’s curious though is that you can add your own custom GIFs and use them in your posts. But WHY would you go through the hassle? In addition to the “cool factor”, this is great brand recognition and can only help your content/product/service.

HOW to add GIFs to Instagram Stories? It is quite easy actually. Easier than you think! The only gadget you will need for that is your phone and a couple of free websites.
This will be one of the easiest tutorials you will ever watch. Not just because there are simple steps, but because of the way they are presented.
So what are you waiting for? Take out your phone and create your first GIFs for Instagram stories, Facebook posts, Microsoft Teams, and more.

How to Add Your Own GIF to Instagram and Facebook for FREE

You can go slightly PRO or very lazy with the creation of your GIFs.

For the PRO version you just need to shoot short videos, remove the background and upload them to For the lazy option you will still need to upload them to but you can use to remove the background without any hassle.

Watch the video above for more insightful tutorial.

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Explorer! Love creating meaningful content, adding value and helping others. Videographer Entertainer Traveller

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